Large Sphere - Tub Pot Height 380 x Width 510 R711.00
Camdeboo Height 530 x Width 510 R711.00
Grecian Height 360 x Width 510 R711.00
Fish Boy - Tub Pot Height 580 x Width 510 R711.00
Outeniqua Any of the above Fountains can be placed on a Short Roman Pillar or a Tall Roman Pillar! Add Short Roman Pillar : R399.00 Add Tall Roman Pillar : R513.00
Knysna - Fish Boy Height 1000 x Width 670 R1230.00
Knysna - Wheat Boy Height 1015 x Width 670 R1230.00
Knysna - Medium Sphere Height 770 x Width 670 R1230.00